Monitoring of Metering System
According to the Law of Georgia on Electricity and Natural Gas (Article 28, Paragraph 1) and the Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules (Article 15, Paragraph 2, "f"), the Electricity Market Operator’s Metering Control Department regularly carries out the monitoring (inspection) of metering nodes, engaged in wholesale trade. The JSC “ESCO” properly reacts on the detected deficiencies.
If the registration as wholesale market participant takes place or the request to make change in the registration as the Eligible Enterprise is made in writing, the actual state of metering nodes engaged in wholesale trade shall be inspected by the commission, based on the Grid Code (Article 70).
In accordance with the Grid Code (Article 61, Paragraph 12).The unified database of metering nodes engaged in the wholesale trade has been created. The latter is being updated on regular basis.