European Youth Energy Forum

On November 19-23, 2022, in the city of Lisbon, the "European Youth Energy Forum" (EYEF2022) was held, in which Ana Tomaradze, head of the legal department of JSC “Electricity System Commercial Operator” participated from Georgia.

The European Youth Energy Forum connects young people to strengthen their voice in the ongoing Energy Transition in Europe.

Along with Georgia, 45 young delegates from 20 different European countries participated in the above-mentioned Forum. As a result of 2 months of intensive work in online format and physical meetings held in Lisbon on November 19-21, 2022, the Position Paper on "The role of youth in the future of the European energy transition" was prepared by the young delegates. The final version of Position Paper was presented to the representatives of the Portuguese government on November 22, 2022.

On November 23, 2022, the young delegates had the opportunity to visit the largest floating solar power plant in Europe, located in the municipality of Alqueva, Portugal.

At the forum held on 19-23 November 2022, young delegates also had the opportunity to participate in debates and ask questions to European experts who develop and prepare energy policy.

The forum was organized by the European Young Energy Network (EYEN) and the European Energy Network (EnR).
