A regular working meeting was held in ESCO

A working meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the State Electricity System of Georgia was held in ESCO.
The meeting discussed the changes that are planned to be introduced to the "Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules". Preparation of the package of amendments and specific proposals were talked over.
In accordance with the assignment of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, a working group has been established in ESCO by the order of Mr. Kakhaber Keburia, Director General of the “Electricity System Commercial Operator” since August 2023, which works in coordination with the JSC “State Electricity System of Georgia”, other energy companies and relevant structures of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. The purpose of the working meetings is to discuss a number of provisions and articles of the "Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules" approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of Georgia No. 77 of August 30, 2006, in order to prepare proposals for their clarification, correction and amendments.