Settlement Indicators of June 2018

In June 2018, the quantity of balancing electricity, purchased (sold) through ESCO was 46 784 986.5 kWh,
which represents 4% of total delivery to the grid in mentioned month. The cost of balancing electricity have made up GEL 5 939 770.
♦ - Sold through the direct contracts
♦ - Balancing electricity
In June, the Weighted Average Price of balancing electricity per kWh made up 12.6958890 Tetri, while the price of balancing electricity of the deregulated hydro power plants was 1.818 Tetri/kWh.
During the mentioned reporting period, the balancing electricity, purchased by ESCO, mainly consisted of the electricity generated by the HPPs. The share of hydro power plants in total volume of balancing electricity was 70%, the share of wind farm 11%, the share of thermal power plants 6%, whereas the share of import was 13%.
Seller of Balancing Electricity
♦ - HPP
♦ - TPP
♦ - Import
♦ - Wind Farm
In June, 2018, the distribution companies and the direct consumers bought the balancing electricity from ESCO. Their equity participation in the purchase of balancing electricity, respectively, was 31% and 14%. In June, the Dispatch Licensee bought balancing electricity to cover losses in the transmission network, whose share in the purchase of balancing electricity was 55%.
Buyer of Balancing Electricity
♦ - Distribution Company
♦ - Direct Consumer
♦ - GSE (to cover losses in the transmission network)
In June, total amount of guaranteed capacity actually provided by the sources of guaranteed capacity was 3 913 563 GEL.