
From December 05, 2016, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “Adjaristsqali Georgia” LLC to take part in the wholesale trade as exporter, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules” .


From November 28, 2016, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “Maksania 2014” LTD to take part in the wholesale trade as Power Plant - During the test run and/or comprehensive testing, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From November 29, 2016, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “Hydro Development Company” LTD to take part in the wholesale trade as exporter, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From November 10, 2016, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “Kartli Wind Power Plant” LTD to take part in the wholesale trade as Power Plant - During the test run and/or comprehensive testing, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


In October 2016, the quantity of balancing electricity, purchased (sold) through ESCO was 102 630 777  kWh, which represents 11% of total delivery to the grid in mentioned month. The cost of balancing electricity have made up 11 287 634.5 GEL.

- Sold through the direct contracts

- Balancing electricity

In October, the Weighted Average Price of balancing electricity per kWh made up 10.9982939 Tetri, while the price of balancing electricity of the deregulated hydro power plants was  11.303 Tetri/kWh


From 09 November, 2016, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the JSC Georgian State Electrosystem to take part in the wholesale trade as importer, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From November 01, 2016, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the JSC “Dariali Energy” to take part in the wholesale trade as Power Plant - During the test run and/or comprehensive testing, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”


From November 02, 2016, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “AB Energo” Ltd to take part in the wholesale trade as importer, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From November 02, 2016, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “AB Energo” Ltd to take part in the wholesale trade as exporter, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.



Starting from October 29, 2016, the Electricity System Commercial Operator, JSC has registered the „Saguramo Energy” LTD to take part in the wholesale trade as the Small Power Plant.