
Heads of “Telasi” JSC, “Geo Servers” LLC, “BFDC Georgia” LLC, “Georgia-Urban Energy” LLC, “Ajar Energy 2007” LLC and “Eastern Energy Corporation” LLC visited the Electricity Market Operator.


The Electricity Market Operator held a business meeting with the representatives of Qualified Enterprises. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce to the guests the new functions of ESCO website, with the specificities of its management and technical features of operation of those new functions, as well as to include the Qualified Enterprises into the test mode of communication using the new functions of ESCO’s website.


From May 23, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “KHEORI HPP” LTD to take part in the wholesale trade as a Small Power Plant, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From May 22, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has cancelled the registration of “KHEORI HPP” LTD as a Power Plant - During the Test Run and/or a Comprehensive Testing and in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”, it is no more considered as a wholesale trade participant.


In April 2018, the quantity of balancing electricity, purchased (sold) through ESCO was 190 626 483.1 kWh, which represents 18% of total delivery to the grid in mentioned month. The cost of balancing electricity have made up 23 137 560.8 GEL.

- Sold through the direct contracts

- Balancing electricity

In April, the Weighted Average Price of balancing electricity per kWh made up 12.1376424 Tetri, while the price of balancing electricity of the deregulated hydro power plants was  11.248 Tetri/kWh.


The Electricity Market Operator carries out modernization of its website in the process of development of a new model of electricity market. Adding new functions to the website means switching to the electronic format of creation and storage of trading process and related documents. In this respect, ESCO has organized the cycle of meetings with the managers and representatives of Eligible Enterprises...


From May 01, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “GEORGIAN STATE ELECTROSYSTEM” JSC to take part in the wholesale trade as the Dispatch Licensee in electricity purchase portion, for the purpose of covering electricity losses in the transmission network, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From May 01, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “GEO Servers” LTD to take part in the wholesale trade as Direct Customer, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From May 01, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “BFDC Georgia” LTD to take part in the wholesale trade as Direct Customer, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From  April 27, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “Clean Energy” Ltd to take part in the wholesale trade as importer, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.