
As part of the modernization and reform of Georgian Electricity Market and the existing electricity trading model, ESCO's representatives have traveled together with the delegation from “G4G”, Georgia Customs and GSE to the Capital City of Serbia - Belgrade on a business trip, organized by USAID. The purpose of this business trip was to familiarize the Georgian delegation with the Serbian model of Customs’ procedures and clearance of cross-border trade of electricity.


From July 13, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “Kutaisi Investments” LTD to take part in the wholesale trade as Direct Customer, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


From July 12, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “KASLETI 2” LTD (in the part of “Kasleti 2” HPP) to take part in the wholesale trade as Power Plant - During The Test Run And/Or Complex Testing, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


In June 2018, the quantity of balancing electricity, purchased (sold) through ESCO was 46 784 986.5 kWh,

which represents 4% of total delivery to the grid in mentioned month. The cost of balancing electricity have made up GEL 5 939 770.

- Sold through the direct contracts

- Balancing electricity

In June, the Weighted Average Price of balancing electricity per kWh made up 12.6958890 Tetri, while the price of balancing electricity of the deregulated hydro power plants was  1.818 Tetri/kWh.


From July 06, 2018, the Electricity Market Operator has registered the “ACHAR ENERGY-2007” LTD (in the part of Kirnati HPP) to take part in the wholesale trade as Power Plant - During The Test Run And/Or Complex Testing, in accordance with the “Electricity (Capacity) Market Rules”.


On June 25, 2018, ESCO announced the electronic tender for Internet and intranet software development (SPA 180005778), the estimated value of which is GEL 20000 (VAT excluded). The deadline for submitting the tender proposal ends on July 4, 2010, at 13:00.


The Electricity Market Operator conducts seminars related to the end of the second stage of updating its own website. New technical services have been added to the information portal of ESCO, including the conversion of trade documentation to electronic format. This is a significant novelty in the direction of the trade process and simplification of the Georgian market.


In May 2018, the quantity of balancing electricity, purchased (sold) through ESCO was 87 225 285.3 kWh,

which represents 7% of total delivery to the grid in mentioned month. The cost of balancing electricity have made up GEL 11 569 730.3.

- Sold through the direct contracts

- Balancing electricity

In May, the Weighted Average Price of balancing electricity per kWh made up 13.2641931 Tetri, while the price of balancing electricity of the deregulated hydro power plants was  1.818 Tetri/kWh.


The fourth meeting-presentation of the new technical services of the updated webpage took place in the Electricity Market Operator. The guests of ESCO were the representatives of: “Telasi” JSC, “Geo Servers” Ltd, “BFDC Georgia” Ltd, “Georgia-Urban Energy” Ltd, “Ajar Energy-2007” Ltd and “Eastern Energy Corporation” Ltd.


Heads of “Telasi” JSC, “Geo Servers” LLC, “BFDC Georgia” LLC, “Georgia-Urban Energy” LLC, “Ajar Energy 2007” LLC and “Eastern Energy Corporation” LLC visited the Electricity Market Operator.